
The South Australian Apple Users Club was formed in the late 1970s by a group of young professionals, keen to support each other in their use of the Apple II computer in business, education, and home use. The Club met in retailers premises.

After the Macintosh appeared in 1984 the Club began separate meetings for Apple II and Macintosh users, but with the Apple II now virtually extinct the Club is essentially a Macintosh User Group. Over time, the demography of the Club has changed too, with many older members of the community taking up computing for the first time.

The objects of the Club are:

  • To provide a non-profit organisation to promote and develop the use of Apple computers
  • To co-operate with similar clubs throughout the world
  • To provide a centre where members can meet to exchange ideas and discuss problems
  • To disseminate information useful to Club members

To fulfil those aims, the Club holds regular meetings, and offers a number of services.

The Club maintains a Google Groups mailing list, through which the Club can make announcements and members can discuss problems. In effect, it is an online help service.


Friday evening meetings start 7.30pm

alternate between presentations and SIGs.
SIGs may include:
An introduction to the Apple software
Understanding and maintaining the operating system
Graphics usually based on Photoshop Elements
email, Web browsing
Using iPad, iPod, and iPhone

The 2024 – 2025 Committee

The Committee meets on the third Monday of each month, from 7:30pm – 9.00pm (except December).

President: Marie Good

Vice President: Rick Sarkanen

Secretary: Judi Crouch

Treasurer: John Bohmer

Committee Member: David Baker
Committee Member: Colin Heal
Committee Member: Philip Kocent
Committee Member: Peter Wiechmann

Auditor: Peter Jenkins (Honorary position)

The Roll shows that we have 58 Financial Members – as of 26 Feb 2024. 

Download the SAAUC Constitution

To contact the Club, click here

or phone Marie Good 0402 851 407